Sunday Sermon-September 12, 2021-Matthew 13:44-50- “Do You Get the Point?”
September 12, 2021
Do You Get the Point?
Matthew 13:44-50
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Interpreting a parable is like interpreting a joke. A joke is only funny to those who get it. So it is with a parable; it has meaning only to those who are on the inside of the Kingdom of God. If you understand these parables, then God has given you supernatural understanding and is calling for a response.
Sermon in a Sentence: The Kingdom of Heaven is God’s gift to those who hear Him; don’t just sit there, get into the Kingdom.
13:44 An Unexpected Discovery
Notice the man’s response.
13:45-46 A Successful Search
An extravagant discovery calls for an extravagant response!
13:47-50 A Gracious Invitation into the Kingdom to All Sorts of People
Don’t miss the M___________ of God here warning all sorts of people of the catastrophic results of rejecting Christ.