Sunday Sermon- October 2, 2022- Hebrews 2:1-4- “Dangerous Drifting”
October 2, 2022
Dangerous Drifting
Hebrews 2:1-4
Sunday, October 2, 2022
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
May I encourage you to make a commitment today to not miss a Sunday for the next three months? That’s only thirteen Sundays. We begin a new series today from Hebrews. It is a sermon, not a letter, prepared for Jewish Christians who are losing steam. Has that ever happened to you? The writer wants to communicate how dangerous drifting away can be to your faith. I hope this series challenges you to take your salvation seriously.
Sermon in a Sentence: If we stop maturing there will be no escape from God’s discipline. Take your salvation seriously.
1:1-4 The Surpassing Greatness of King Jesus
Four facts about Jesus that bring out His greatness.
2:1-4 A Sober Warning to Take Your Faith Seriously
There are four reasons a Christian must take his/her faith seriously.