Sunday Sermon – April 16, 2023 – 1 Timothy 6:11-14 – “O Man of God”
April 16, 2023
O Man of God
1 Timothy 6:11-14
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Today is one of those rare and special Sundays when we bring two candidates before the church to be ordained as deacons. The character qualities for the office of pastor and deacon are found in chapter 3. In chapter 6 Paul announces his charge to Timothy, a leader in the Ephesian church. Quite honestly, these four charges should be embraced by every member of the local Christian church.
Sermon in a Sentence: Godliness is rare. Don’t get smug and arrogant.
Paul has a program for godliness:
Flee 6:11
“These things” refers back to greed, and divisiveness.
Pursue 6:11
Pursue the fruits of the Spirit!
Fight 6:12
The whole of the Christian life requires intense discipline.
Hold 6:12
Don’t get smug and arrogant.