July 28, 2024 – ” God Is faithful! ” – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
July 28, 2024
God Is Faithful!
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Sunday, July 28, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
There is more teaching on the nature of the Church in 1 Corinthians than any other New Testament book. In this letter we find answers to questions like How do I handle a disagreement at my church? What does a Christian sexual ethic look like in my marriage? What does the Bible say about giving my money to the church? What is a spiritual gift, and do I have one of those? Paul got word that there was division in the church he loved at Corinth. Some thought they were the elite Christians and had all the spiritual gifts. This created some major problems. The first nine verse seem to say to us: You possess all the resources needed to grow up spiritually. Stay in step with Christ and you’ll stay in fellowship with your church.
Sermon in a Sentence: You possess all the resources needed to grow up spiritually. Stay in step with Christ and you’ll stay in fellowship with your church.
1:1-3 The Call that Keeps on Transforming Us
Called by the Will of God-
Called to be Saints Together-
Called into Fellowship with Christ-
1:4-9 The Unfailing Faithfulness of God
God’s faithfulness at work in you:
Ongoing everyday grace to you-
God fully prepared you with a spiritual gift-
God cleared you of all your sins and will keep you to the end