Sunday Sermon – July 3, 2024 – “God Doesn’t Hold Grudges” – Jonah 3
July 7, 2024
God Doesn’t Hold Grudges
Jonah 3
Sunday, July 1, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
D.L. Moody once remarked, “The best way to revive a church is to build a fire in the pulpit.” Once Jonah experienced the grace of God, he was ready to preach the grace of God. All Jonah was to do was to preach what God gave him. The Holy Spirit would do the rest. Can you hear the passion in Jonah’s voice as he cries out? Today preachers promise “Something good is going to happen to you.” Jonah said, “Something really bad is going to happen to you in forty days.” God’s Word, preached with passion, rouses us into action. Fear God.
Jonah 3 features two movements: Jonah’s preaching and the Ninevite’s response.
3:1-4 A Man and His Message
Jonah got a second chance.
Jonah’s message came from God. It was simple and clear.
3:5-10 A Sweeping Revival
The nation’s leader set the example 6-9.
What attitude do you see in the King that is worth modeling in our lives? (v9).
Sermon in a Sentence: God’s Word, preached with passion, rouses us into action. Fear God