Sunday Sermon – April 28, 2024 – “The Evil in the Tongue” – James 3:1-12
April 28, 2024
The Evil in the Tongue
James 3:1-12
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Because of the subject of chapter 3, we might assume that James’ readers were quarreling with one another. Perhaps the pressures of their trials have resulted in their verbal abuse of one another. Using a series of vivid illustrations that were common in his day, James underscores the evil in the tongue. To be able to control your tongue is a clear example of pure and useful religion.
Sermon in a Sentence: Worthless religion is revealed in a reckless tongue. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Three alarming facts about our tongue:
3:1-5a The Power of the Tongue
A warning to would-be teachers.
Illustrations of the power of the tongue.
3:5-8 The Deadly Poison of the Tongue
The tongue is a restless evil.
Illustrations of the destruction of the tongue.
3:9-12 The Hypocrisy of the Tongue
Ways we use our tongue in church.
Illustrations of the hypocrisy of the tongue.