Sunday Sermon – April 21, 2024 – “The Word: A Mirror to the Soul” – James 1:16-25
April 21, 2024
The Word: A Mirror to the Soul
James 1:16-25
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
James is writing to Jewish Christians who have met various kinds of trials. Their faith is being tested. It is hard not to complain during adversity. In these verses today James clears the fog between tests and temptations. God does not tempt us. It is by our own evil desires that we allow temptation to give birth to sin. God gives us good gifts like His word to overpower our sins. This sermon will show what James expects from us when we encounter God’s word.
Sermon in a Sentence: Sin lurks and grows within us. Listen to God’s Word and do what it says.
By His benevolent nature God gives us everything good for spiritual progress. 1:16-18
An outstanding example of His benevolence is that He saves us by His Word.
God never changes.
By its power the word God keeps on working in us. 1:19-25
The word of God is not done with you at salvation.
The doer of the word lingers over it and does what it says.
Three applications you can start today:
1. Hold your tongue and be a better listener. Vv 19-20
2. Let the word of God anchor down deep inside of you. V 21
3. Become a doer of the Word. Vv 22-25