Sunday Sermon – January 28, 2024 – “Irresistible Beauty” – 1 Peter 3:1-7
January 28, 2024
Irresistible Beauty
1 Peter 3:1-7
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
The Bible is not silent when it comes to marriage. We know that God’s way of marriage is between a biological man and a biological woman. Instruction on marital intimacy is found 1 Co. 7. The wife and her husband share the same spiritual authority but serve in different roles now that we are Christian. Please note the word “Likewise” in 3:1 and 3:7. The wife and the husband are to reflect back on 2:24! Just as Jesus put our needs above His own, let the husband and wife do so in their marriage.
Sermon in a Sentence: The Gospel works from the inside out. Let your marriage parade your passion for Jesus.
1. Wives, Captivate your Husband with Your Spiritual Splendor 3:1-6
There is something quite attractive to your husband regarding your love for Jesus.
You are not inferior to him in any way.
2. Husbands, Cultivate Companionship with Your Wife 3:7
Put her needs above yours.
Show her honor.