Sunday Sermon – November 5, 2023 – “Two Photos of Flawless Faith” -Mark 10:46-52, 12:41-44
November 5, 2023
Two Photos of Flawless Faith
Mark 10:46-52, 12:41-44
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
The Bible takes crystal clear photos of what Kingdom citizenship looks like. God doesn’t leave us guessing. These two outcasts, blind Bartimaeus and the poor Widow, teach us the right response to Jesus. Although blind, Bartimaeus sees Jesus more clearly than those with two working eyes. Overlooked by the wealthy religious leaders, the Widow has the attention of Jesus because she gave Him all she had.
Sermon Main Idea: Living faith can’t sit still. Ask Jesus for mercy and love Him with all you have.
Here are two photos of flawless faith:
1. A Blind Man Who Sees
This blind man sees more than those with two working eyes!
He begs Jesus for mercy.
2. A Poor Widow Who is Rich
This poor widow gave all she had to God.
She laid down her whole life for God.