Sunday Sermon – October 29, 2023 – “Matchlessly Pure” – Mark 9:2-8
October 29, 2023
Matchlessly Pure
Mark 9:2-8
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
Do you have a favorite place where you once went and will never forget? That is how Peter, James, and John felt at the Transfiguration. Author and theologian R.T. France said, “Passages like the Transfiguration are better felt than told.” I agree. The metamorphosis of Jesus in Mark 9 was never forgotten by Peter, James, and John. Since this is a descriptive text, I think the best approach to preaching it will be to show you five symbols that will lead us to the best interpretation.
There are five symbols that help us to understand this descriptive text:
1. Jesus, Inside Out
Isaiah 53:2. 2 Peter 1:16. John 1:14.
2. Moses and Elijah
Notice how the two Testaments are uniquely sewn together.
3. The Mountain and The Cloud
God accommodates us with words that we can process. I call them connecting words.
4. The Voice of God
Your resurrection is sure, but it comes with a price.
5. “After Six Days”
What happened at Caesarea Philippi, just up the page?
Sermon Main Idea: Because we see Jesus inside out, we get a vision of our resurrection and unashamedly follow Him