Sunday Sermon – July 30,2023 – “The Spirit-Filled Life” – Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-21
July 30, 2023
The Spirit-Filled Life
Ephesians 5:1-2, 15-21
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
There is confusion among Christians about what the Spirit-Filled life looks like. I think you would agree that it at least means a disciplined life. This was a new way of living for the Ephesian Christians. They used to jettison all moral restraints and live like they wanted. God has predetermined the way we should go now. Be careful how you now live.
Sermon in a Sentence: We live in strange times. Snatch up every opportunity to be like God.
Here are three disciplines for you to start practicing:
5:1-2 Live Your New Life in the Likeness of God
The Ephesians had not seen an example of Christian living.
15-17 Look Where You Are Going; Don’t be Foolish Again
God has predetermined the way you should go (1:11).
Consider the Proverbs every day.
18-21 Let the Holy Spirit Be in Continuous Control
Fleshes out this way:
a. Speaking v19 _____________________________
b. Singing v19 _____________________________
c. Giving v20 ______________________________
d. Submitting v21 ______________________________