Sunday Sermon – May 21, 2023 – Acts 4:1-23 – “Regal Power in Regular People”
May 21, 2023
Regal Power in Regular People
Acts 4:1-23
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
This chapter marks the first persecution of the Christian Church. The lame man who was made perfectly well has created quite a stir. What has enraged the enemies of Christ is Peter’s testimony of the resur-rection. It is Christ’s power that has made the lame man well. This same power will enable Peter and John to speak boldly, even though they are only “common men.” God glories in using regular people like us. Tell others what Christ is doing in you.
4:1-7 The First Sign of Trouble
4:8-12 A Spirit-Filled Testimony
4:13-18 Regal Power in Regular People
4:19-23 We Will Not Be Silenced
Sermon in a Sentence: God glories in using regular people like us. Tell others what Christ is doing in you.