Sunday Sermon – April 30, 2023 – Acts 2:41-47 – “The Birthday of the Church”
April 30, 2023
The Birthday of the Church
Acts 2:41-47
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
The Holy Spirit regenerated, redeemed and empowered the apostles at Pentecost giving birth to the Church. 3,000 souls were rescued and added to the church that day when Peter stood to preach. The center and source of congregational life is not Open Gym, it is not 5th Sunday Fellowships, not even the Ordinances we practice. The life-giving core of healthy churches is the preaching of Scripture.
Sermon in a Sentence: A healthy church is faithful to God and to each other. Gladly get involved with the people of God.
Let’s revisit the first Christian church and learn about 4 elements present in a healthy, growing church:
1. A spot-on understanding of salvation 2:41
Biblical baptism F___________ a person’s salvation.
2. An unquenchable thirst for Christian instruction 2:42
The important distinction between Preaching and T_____________.
3. An uncommon love for each other 2:45
If there are needs, S____________ to meet them.
4. A renewed energy to attend weekly worship 2:46-47
Spirit-energized worship is never B___________.