Sunday Sermon – April 23, 2023 – Acts 2:1-13 – “Saints Ablaze”
April 23, 2023
Saints Ablaze
Acts 2:1-13
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
In the Book of Acts, Luke takes us on a journey led by the Holy Spirit. Commanded by Christ to wait on the Spirit, the disciples watch as Jesus ascends away from their sight to His Father in heaven. Then suddenly the Spirit descends into the crowded upper room and baptizes them. This new beginning marks the empowering of God’s Church.
A. God’s Sovereign Timetable 2:1-4
“Sitting” was not the posture of prayer. We cannot manipulate the Spirit.
B. God’s Diverse Church Family 2:5-13
Notice the span of their travels?
Sermon in a Sentence: The Church is baptized with the Holy Spirit. Show your C______________ the power of God