Sunday Sermon – April 2, 2023 – “The Verdicts In” – Romans 8
April 2, 2023
The Verdict Is In
Romans 8
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
We have been discussing the implications of the death of Christ from John’s Gospel. Last week I explained that Peter seems to say Jesus went to hell to proclaim His victory over death to the demonic imps in prison. Because He conquered death for us, we should not fear. Today, Paul proclaims we have been set free by Christ.
Sermon in a Sentence: The verdict is in. Christ has set us free to live in the Spirit. Embrace your new life of freedom.
Here are three more outstanding implications resulting from the death of our Savior:
8:1-5 Sin and the Law are No Longer Threats to Our Salvation
The Holy Spirit now mediates to us our spiritual blessings.
8:26-28 Suffering No Longer Works Against Us
Verse 28 is one of the greatest verses of Scripture on the Providence of God.
8:31-39 Satan’s Accusations No Longer Stick Against God’s Elect
Satan means ‘accuser.’