Sunday Sermon – February 19, 2023 – John 13:34-14:6 – “Farewell Promises”
February 19, 2023
Farewell Promises
John 13:33-14:6
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Dr. Kelly B. Burton
I titled the sermon Farewell Promises because chapters 13-17 are farewell discourse chapters. And yet, they are more than just discourse. These chapters feature action. For example: Christ demonstrating discipleship by washing the feet of His followers (Chapter 13), Christ providing prayers that model dependence upon the Father (Chapter 17). Like Jesus setting the new standard for love (Chapter 13), and featuring faith as the means to taming troubled hearts (Chapter 14).
Sermon in a Sentence: Stop stressing out over everything. Christ made the way to live in the presence of God.
Two disciplines worthy of application while we wait for Him.
13:33-38 Love Each Other the Jesus Way
Loving is no new idea. What is new are the objects and the standard.
Peter’s paltry promise.
14:1-6 Lean into Christ Who Has Prepared the Way for You
Rooms not Mansions: μοναὶ πολλαί
The way is prepared via the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus