Children’s Department
Director, Felicia Reynolds
Pre-K and Kindergarten Room O-1
Teacher Carol McCowan
1rst and 2nd Grade Room A-1
Teachers Chessie and Treva Humphries
3rd and 4th Grade Room S 207
Teacher Kyle Kennedy
5th and 6th Grade Room S 201
Teacher Rhonda Arrington
Student Ministry
7th -12th Grade Family Life Center
Student Minister: Brennan Margos
Adult Sunday School Classes
Men’s SS Class Room A-2
Teacher Richard Osborn
The Lydia Class: Women’s Class Room A-3
Teacher Michele Osborn
Fellowship Class Room O-2
This class is coed and ranges in age from 55-70.
Teacher Mike Humphries
Fresh Start Class Meeting in Choir Room, off the Sanctuary
This class is coed and open to all ages. It accommodates those who just beginning their Christian walk as well as those already Christians who just need a fresh start again.
Teacher Slade Dougharty
Circle of Friends: Adult Women’s Class, Room S-202
Teacher Beth Drinkwater
The Friendship Class: Adult Men and Women Room S-203
Teacher John Corbitt
Young and Loving It! Co-ed class ages 35-55 Room S 208
Teacher Scott Reynolds